Friday, October 3, 2014

Mid-Autumn Festival + Sai Kung Photodump

(This post is more pictures and less words.)

On Friday night the week before mid-autumn festival, I went over to Emily's dorm to make mooncake.
my completed mooncake
before going into the press

station where you put the mooncake into the press and package it up

On the night of mid-autumn festival, I went to Kaitlyn's house and we lit lanterns (and glowsticks)

carefully opening the lantern after lighting it

lanterns hung up

lanterns + my glowsticks

On the day after mid-autumn festival, we went to Sai Kung, an area that is close to HKUST and was just a mini-bus ride away.
giant fish tank of fish (for a restaurant)...they were huge!

Some boat parking

a restaurant

one of the many rows of small stores in the town center

Hainan chicken for lunch

floating market

floating market -- you look down and tell the boat owner what you want to buy
We took a boat from Sai Kung city to a neighboring island
a view of one of many islands that you can get to by boat

On a boat to a neighboring island to hike + go to beach

walking across a rocky area that is usually covered by the high tide

the water is so clean!

approaching another island via hiking

hiking along a trail on a small island -- going uphill

going downhill (destination in the back!)

the other side of the island

Agape Fellowship, the group of people I went with! (More on them in another post)

The beach we were at
After taking boat back to the city, we went to a Thai restaurant for dinner...because it was one of few restaurants in the area with air conditioning...

Thai fried rice - dinner

Emily with dinner
As dusk approached, we walked around one last time before leaving
beautiful lanterns from a restaurant

The view as the moon rose at Sai Kung...could not do the moon justice! It was a very detailed deep red.

chocolate/egg waffle -- these egg waffles are my favorite snack! I can't resist getting them whenever I see them on the streets...