Sunday, September 14, 2014

Class Schedule

Registration for classes at UST started a week before class started. Like most schools I know of, there is a 2 week overlap of classes happening and the end of registration, so you can add and drop classes as you go to them and feel that you like/dislike them. Going into the first day of school, my schedule looked something like this...

MATH 2023:
Multivariable Calculus. I am taking this course to get credit at Northwestern for my MechE major. At Northwestern, calc is split into 4 classes, 2 single and 2 multivariable. I've taken 3 already, and want credit for the 4th (multivariable integral calculus). Math 2023 covers all of multivariable in one class, so hopefully the first half is easy breezy...

CIVL 2120:
Mechanics of Materials. Another class I want credit for, to replace CIV_ENG 216 at Northwestern. Everything in this class is basically new.

PHYS 1002:
Introduction to Astrophysics. From what I see it from the first few classes, this is like an intro to astronomy course, with anticipated math connected to it.

MECH 1905/1906:
Both introductory (freshman) mechanical engineering courses dealing with aspects of engineering using building design as the framework/example. One is called "Buildings for Contemporary Living" and the other is "Mechanical Engineering for Modern Life", but both are an overview of things to consider when engineering a building (or anything else), such as materials, intent, etc.

COMP 1022P:
Introduction to Computing with Java. So far, it seems pretty favorite part about this class is that the teacher is really cool and funny.

HART 1034/1023:
Light Art/Introduction to Experimental Animation. When I saw these 1 credit studio art classes being offered, I wanted to take them all...haha. But I can't (NU doesn't take 1 credit courses for any type of credit - even elective). Initially I thought I'd take both of these courses, but a local student told me that even though it is 1 credit, it has the workload of a 3 credit course, so I should choose one and drop the other...
Light Art is about 3D installations involving light and darkness (ex. glow in the dark stuff, shadows, etc). The instructor is from Germany but has been in HK for quite a while, and showed us her portfolio...I can travel HK to find her works! It's really cool.
Animation is more on the abstract side...I can't say much about it, we watched a bunch of samples from around the world...(you can probably tell which one I decided to drop.)

I also enrolled for language courses for non-academic credit. These had small tuition tags on them, but I thought "why not." First, I enrolled in Korean, TuTh 12:00-1:30 (effectively deciding to drop the Mech classes). Then, an email came out offering Cantonese classes (TuTh 10:30-12:00pm), so I jumped on that and canceled Korean (although I could have taken both, I felt it was overkill). The tuition for Cantonese classes were HK$500, and you get a refund of HK$450 if you had 80% attendance!
Sadly, last week I got an email saying that I was unsuccessful in my enrollment for the language course. It was overbooked (which makes me sad, I feel like I enrolled just 30 minutes after the email sent out) and they would give me a full refund. It's ok, I'll just have to learn Cantonese the real living in HK ;D

After all that, this is how my schedule looks like now.
As you can see, I stacked Monday night to make Tuesday more free. I also opted for PHYS 1002 instead of MECH 1906, and dropped animation. So far, I've been out every Tuesday/Thursday that I had free. Everything's so accessible here!

I'm excited about this schedule. Math and Civl are my hardest/most intense classes, while Phys and Comp I can just sit through and relax. Light Art is the class I'm most excited for...we're light painting this week! Can't wait to whip out my glowsticks...

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